What is the price of a carbon credit?

Below you will find all the questions about Carbon Credits certification, what you need and need to know, and all the steps to get the certification.

The range of carbon credit prices is quite broad, but we typically see most projects fall between 10 and 100€ per ton. Carbon credit prices can vary based on several factors, including:

  • The project's financial needs, which depend on its business model and complexity
  • The project's location
  • The project's vintage
  • The project's co-benefits
  • The cost of project certification

Based on our analysis, here is a subjective classification of carbon credit prices:

  • Renewable energy and non-deforestation projects in Annex B countries: 5-10€
  • Reforestation projects in Annex B countries: 15€
  • Reforestation projects in Europe: 20-25€
  • Industrial avoidance in Europe: 30-40€
  • Biobased construction storage in Europe: 50€
  • Biochar projects in Europe: 100-150€
  • Long-term storage innovative projects (e.g. DAC): 500€

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