How does Riverse differ from other players in the market?

Riverse differentiates itself in the carbon credits market through several key aspects:

  1. Methodology and Focus: We specialise in methodologies centered around industrial projects, focusing on carbon credits related to value chain and geography. Our robust process for developing methodologies involves expert stakeholders.
  2. Geography focus: We specialize in European tech-based projects. We have already certified projects in 10 European countries.
  3. Compliance & High Integrity: Riverse is accredited by ICROA, and our carbon credits meet international sustainability guidelines (ICVCM, SBTi, ISO etc).
  4. Transparency and Verification: Our credits are verified using industrial data and are issued and traced on the Riverse Registry, ensuring no double-counting and complete transparency. Projects are audited by a network of independent ISO accredited VVBs.