Frequently Ask Questions

for Project Developers

Riverse is the first carbon credit certification standard focused on technology-based, circular economy projects in Europe. We issue science-grounded carbon credits from projects close to buyers’ value chains and geography.

About Riverse

General Overview

What is Riverse?
How long has it been operating for?
How does Riverse differ from other players in the market?

Products & Pricing

How do Riverse Products support me in the carbon crediting journey?
Can we only get the Riverse LCA and MRV?
Can we only get the certification through the Riverse Standard?
Can we only get the registry?
What kind of technical support does Riverse offer to Greentechs?
What is Riverse’s pricing?

About the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)

What is the difference between the 2 main carbon markets: the EU-ETS and the VCM?
What are the different types of actors of the carbon credit market?
Can I make money with carbon credits like Tesla does?
What are the regulations of the voluntary carbon credit?
What is the difference between avoidance and removal carbon credits?
What are the Eligibility Criteria in the Voluntary Carbon Market?
What is the difference between insetting and offsetting?
Who can issue carbon credits?

The Riverse Impact Certification Platform (LCA + MRV)

the mrv

What is MRV and why is it important?
What type of LCAs is Riverse doing?
What is the difference between an LCA and a carbon footprint?

the SCIENCE behind it

How can projects trust Riverse’s scientific expertise?
What database is Riverse using ?

The Riverse Standard and certification process


Why do I need a standard to issue carbon credits?

Riverse Standard certification eligibility

Which greentechs & projects does Riverse certify?
How does Riverse establish eligibility? What criteria does Riverse consider?
How is additionality assessed under Riverse Standard?
What does permanence mean for carbon credits?
Is there double counting if I issue carbon credits to finance my activity?
What timeframe does Riverse consider to value the credits?

Riverse Methodologies

What are the projects eligible to Riverse methodologies?
How can Greentechs collaborate with Riverse to develop new carbon credit methodologies?
How do we define the baseline scenario?
How do we define the functional unit ?

The Certification process

What is Riverse certification process?
How long is the certification process?
What inputs do we need to conduct the LCA and the certification?
How much time do projects need to invest?
What is the 3rd party audit and why is it needed?
Which type of documents will I get at the end of the certification process?
How frequently do I need to verify my impact?

Standard Compliance

Are Riverse carbon credit recognised internationaly?
Is Riverse certified by accreditors?
Are carbon credits similar to RECs or CEEs (Energy Economy Certificates)?
Can Riverse certify offtakes ?
How is Riverse ensuring the transparency and traceability of carbon credits?

Carbon Credit Sales

Price, Cost & Volume of Carbon Credits

How much does it cost to issue carbon credits?
Does Riverse guarantee that the carbon credits will be sold?
How much are carbon credits selling for?
Will carbon credits increase in price?
Do carbon credits expire?

Role of riverse in the selling of carbon Credits

How Riverse carbon credit are sold on the market? Is Riverse a reseller?
Are there exclusivity clause with Riverse ?

Project developer's rights over the Carbon Credits

What kind of companies buy Riverse-certified carbon credits?
Do I maintain ownership over the carbon credits?
Who in the value chain can benefit from the additional revenue generated by the carbon credits ?
Can the project decide who buys the carbon credits?

risks involved in selling of Carbon Credits

Does selling carbon credits impact our activities?